The 22 best website designs of 2022 for inspiration

The year 2022 is shaping up to be an exciting one for the best website designs. We’ve already seen some incredible new designs and trends emerge, and there’s sure to be more in store as the year goes on. Here are just a few of the best website designs we’ve seen so far this year.

Parallax scrolling, minimalism, and bold colors are just a few of the trends that have taken the web by storm in recent years. And we’re only seeing more of them in the designs that have come out so far this year. 2022 is shaping up to be a year of continued experimentation and innovation in web designs, and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 elements of a good website design?

A well-designed website should have the following five elements:

1. A clear and easy to use navigation system

2. A well-written and informative content

3. A clean and professional looking design

4. Fast loading pages

5. An easy-to-use contact form or other means of getting in touch with the website owner.

If a website has all of these elements, then it is likely to be a successful one. However, even if it just has a few of them, it can still be improved upon. Remember, a good website design is not just about how it looks, but also how easy it is to use and how helpful it is to visitors.

How can I make my website attractive?

As a business owner, you want your website to be attractive to both potential and current customers. Here are some tips on how to make your site more visually appealing:

  1. Use high-quality images. People are visual creatures, so having strong visuals on your website can be very helpful in drawing them in. Make sure to use images that are relevant to your business and that are high enough quality that they look professional.
  2. Use whitespace effectively. Having too much text on your website can be overwhelming for visitors. Breaking up your content with whitespace can help to make it more digestible.
  3. Use color wisely. Using too many colors on your website can be overwhelming, but using no color can make your site look bland. Try to use a limited color palette that complementary colors that fit your brand.
  4. Use typography to your advantage. The way you format and style your text can also impact how attractive your website appears. Take some time to experiment with different font sizes, styles, and colors to find something that looks good and is easy to read.
  5. Keep your layout simple. A complex layout can be confusing and off-putting for visitors. Stick to a simple, clean layout that is easy to navigate.

By following these tips, you can make your website more attractive and thus more likely to convert visitors into customers.

Best Website Designs of 2022

2022 is rapidly approaching, but at best website Designs, we’re already anticipating the greatest website designs of the year. We’ve profiled some of the most popular web design trends, as well as compiled a list of 22 websites that will undoubtedly wow you. From unique designs to user-friendly interfaces, these websites have it all. Check out our list of the 22 best website designs of 2022:

1. FPP

The 22 best website designs of 2022 3

The FPP website is one of the best-designed sites of 2022. Its clear imagery and minimal use of colors create a unique shopping experience. Additionally, its parallax effects make it even more innovative and enjoyable to browse. This website was rightfully awarded the CSS award for the best UI and Innovation. The use of pineapples instead of buttons is just one example of the website’s creative flair. Overall, FPP is a top-notch choice for online shopping.

2. Species in Pieces

The 22 best website designs of 2022 2

In his excellent website design for an interactive wildlife exhibition, Bryan James of Amsterdam-based web design firm Cool Cat Studios used only CSS. The geometric models of animals are fascinating in their own right, but the accompanying stats, videos, and external links make this an educational and enjoyable experience for all ages. page color transitions, music, and bubbly animation style are all presented in an elegant, interactive fashion.

Bryan James spent 5 months creating Species in Pieces, and the result is a truly unique and impressive website design. You can even buy a poster of all the species featured on the site, making this a great way to support the artist and learn more about the natural world.

3. Helixes

The 22 best website designs of 2022 1

The year 2022 might seem like a ways away, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start thinking about the best website designs that will grace our screens. Helixes is a prime example of a company that takes design seriously. Their site is full of beautiful visuals and consistent colors that make it a pleasure to browse. Not to mention, they won the best website in the animated, grid, and webGL categories. So if you’re looking for a site that will wow you with its design, Helixes is definitely one to check out.

4. Scepter & Sword Wine Co.

The 22 best website designs of 2022

In today’s competitive online market, a great website design can make all the difference. Scepter & Sword’s online shop is a perfect example of an excellent and visually stimulating website design. The store features wines from Columbia Walley, WA, and uses jaw-dropping visuals, unconventional navigation, a circular mouse cursor, and large typography to create a unique brand identity. These features helped Scepter & Sword earn the title of best website design of the day last month from Awwwards.

The team behind the website design put a lot of effort into creating realistic and accurate photos and studying Post-Renaissance paintings with Queens. Their hard work paid off in spades and resulted in a truly stunning website. If you’re looking to set your online store apart from the competition, remember that an app can make all the difference. Mobile commerce makes up over 30% of all online sales, so an ecommerce app is a great way to increase your sales. For more information on how to build an ecommerce app, check out our blog post.

5. Finprint


As we move into the new year, it’s time to take a look at some of the best website designs that have been created. Finprint is one site that definitely stands out from the crowd. What makes it so special?

For starters, the site does an excellent job of raising awareness about the carbon footprint that each of us leaves behind. By presenting the user with a game, Finprint shows how even small choices can make a big difference when it comes to reducing our impact on the environment.

In addition to its environmental message, the site is also visually stunning. The use of cool colors and illustrations, along with parallax effects, makes for a truly captivating experience.

So why would someone want to visit a site like this? Well, aside from the important message it delivers, the site is also a lot of fun. It’s not often that you come across a website that is both educational and entertaining. Finprint definitely fits that bill.

If you’re looking for a new website to check out this latest treands, You won’t be disappointed.

6. Tony D’Orio


As we move into 2022, we’re seeing some amazing website designs that are sure to set the trends for the year. Tony D’Orio’s hyper-realist image style is one such example that is bound to turn heads. His portfolio website design is visually packed with photos that are both playful and colorful, making it engaging and attractive. Plus, his website makes it easy to create a PDF or download his photos with just a few clicks. Definitely, one to watch in the coming year!

7. Beauvoir


The Beauvoir website is one of the best designed websites of 2022. It uses a combination of excellent design, easy navigation, and great UX and UI to create a superb user experience. The images and videos on the site are of excellent quality, and the site’s scrolling features are extraordinary. The menus are placed in the sidebar, giving visitors a clear view of the images and videos. This makes it easy to navigate and find what you’re looking for. Overall, the Beauvoir website is an excellent example of a well-designed website.

8. White Walnut Estate


As we move into 2022, we’re seeing more and more website designs that are minimalistic, clean, and easy to use. This white and black website based on photography design is a perfect example of this trend. The use of drone footage gives the viewer a sense of the scope of the Oregon winemaking operation, while the minimalist approach keeps the focus on the bottles of wine and grape clusters. The result is a captivating website that is sure to please any wine lover.

9. Block Rage


Nostalgia is a powerful force in today’s society. We are constantly surrounded by media that reminds us of our past, whether it’s through popular shows like Stranger Things or the continuous stream of Hollywood reboots. This nostalgia can be harnessed to create powerful website designs.

One great example is Block Rage, a website dedicated to the competitive puzzle game. Block Rage’s interface is designed to evoke feelings of the 80s and early 90s, with VHS tapes, Ghostbusters memorabilia, and old video games littering the website. This creates an enticing atmosphere of times gone by that is sure to draw in visitors.

So if you’re looking to create a website that will stand out from the rest, consider Block Rage for your inspiration.

10. Prometheus Fuels


Prometheus Fuels has been making waves in the website design world with their innovative and unique approach to design. Their most recent design, for their 2022 website, is an interactive experience that allows users to control various elements on the page. This offers a fun and engaging way for visitors to learn about the company and its products.

Not only is the design itself impressive, but it has also been recognized by some of the top names in the industry. Awwwards named it Site of the Day, and Prometheus Fuels has received investments from BMW and Maersk. This is a company to keep an eye on in the future!

11. Ufomammoot


The CSS has awarded the best website design to Ufomammoot for their excellent use of graphics, animations, and overall Christmas theme. This year’s winner proves that web Glen technology can be used for more than just practical purposes. Ufomammoot’s holiday-themed racing game is the perfect example of how digital technologies can be used to create fun and festive experiences.

12. Hoboken Yogi


The team behind the excellent website design of Hoboken Yogi has captured their client’s identity beautifully. Scrolling through the website feels like reading a cool magazine, and the changing background colors make it more interactive. Large typography and great use of white space ensure top readability, which is important to visitors. Hoboken Yogi organizes yoga retreats in different locations all around the world; their next trip is scheduled to take place in Costa Rica.

13. Homecult


As we move into 2022, home design will continue to be a popular topic of interest. Homecult is a company that specializes in designing comfortable and cozy homes. Their website is simple and easy to navigate, with well-defined pages for projects, contact information, and more. The cool colors used throughout the site are eye-catching and inviting. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your own home or simply enjoy looking at beautiful designs, be sure to check out Homecult’s website.

14. Queen Garnet


As we move into the new year, we’re taking a look at some of the best website designs that are emerging. One design that is sure to be popular in 2022 is the sleek and elegant design used by the company Plum. This design uses high-resolution images and large, stylish typography to keep visitors focused and engaged. The deep purple color palette used throughout the site is both eye-catching and stylish, and really reinforces the brand’s image.

What’s also great about this design is that it is very user-friendly. The products are easy to discover and the typography makes it easy to learn more about them. This makes Plum’s website a great example of how to design a user-friendly and stylish website. We expect to see more designs like this in the coming year.

15. Habitas


As we begin to look ahead at the trends for website design in 2022, we’re seeing more and more sites that use stunning visuals to capture attention and inspire visitors. This trend is especially pronounced in the travel industry, where companies are using beautiful imagery to promote captivating experiences. Habitas is a great example of this trend, using minimal copy and smooth scrolling to create a sense of luxury on their site.

16. Jannata Resort & Spa

The 22 best website designs of 2022 15

While we can’t predict exactly what website design trends will be popular in 2022, we can take a look at some of the best website designs from this year to get an idea of what might be popular. One trend that seems to be emerging is a more luxurious, high-end look, as exemplified by this smooth-looking design. This hotel website uses transitions, photos, and typography to create an impressive first impression. Throughout the site, there are also interactive elements, making it more engaging for users. And of course, booking a room is quick and easy. This design was even honored with an honorable mention from Awwwards. So if you’re thinking about redesigning your own website, consider taking some cues from this one.

17. Carlsberg


In recent years, we’ve seen a surge in minimalist website designs that focus on storytelling and user experience. One such example is Carlsberg’s award-winning website.

What makes Carlsberg’s website so great is its focus on simplicity and parallax effects. This creates a sense of depth and immersion that engages the user and makes for a truly enjoyable experience.

If you’re looking for inspiration for your own website design, be sure to check out Carlsberg’s site – it’s sure to get your creative juices flowing!

18. Chiara Luzzana


If you’re looking for an example of a website that effectively combines visual and audio media, then look no further than the design of sound designer Chiara Luzzana. Every interaction on the site is accompanied by charming auditory additions, which really bring the personal brand to life. The fluid animations and sound effects work together perfectly to create a truly unique and engaging experience.

What’s especially interesting about this design is that it was Awwwards’ Site of the Day back on July 13, 2020. The main element of the design is a 3D sphere that represents the rich audio spectrum of sound waves. This sphere reacts to changes in the website’s background music and even clicks from visitors, making for a truly interactive experience.

19. Delassus


The website design by Delassus is unique and modern, using horizontal parallax scrolling to show off the variety of fruits and vegetables grown by the company. The 3D designs of the product range make the design bold and modern, and it was named the top website design by Awwwards in June 2020. This design is a great example of how agricultural products can be displayed in an innovative and visually appealing way.

20. Nest Wi-Fi


In today’s blog post, we’re going to take a look at some of the best website designs that we’ve seen so far in 2022. Google’s Nest Wi-Fi website is a perfect example of how to create a visually appealing and easy-to-use website design. The use of light colors, easy scrolling, and cool animations make the website a pleasure to use, and the clear typography makes it easy to understand the benefits of Nest Wi-Fi devices. This is an excellent example of how a product launch page can be done right.

It’s also worth noting that Nest Wi-Fi was recognized as a “Website of the Day” by CSS Design Awards when it first launched. This just goes to show that when it comes to web design, Google is definitely leading the pack. We can’t wait to see what other amazing website designs we’ll see in the coming year!

21. Patty and Bun

If you’re on the hunt for a website design that’s quirky, cool, and playful, then you need to check out Patty and Bun. The homepage features three quick film-like videos that are guaranteed to grab your attention with their cool images. Even though the design is unusual and the visuals are unexpected, navigating the website is easy thanks to the main menu taking over the homepage when you click on it.

Did you know that this website design is rich in red? This is no accident, as red is a proven color to get attention and jump-start appetite. So if you’re looking for a website that’s sure to stand out, Patty and Bun should definitely be at the top of your list.

22. Hyer

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If you’re looking to make a strong impression on your website visitors, take a cue from Hyer. This eye-catching illustration of an airplane slowly moving across the screen is sure to grab attention. The homepage has all the necessary elements for an effective page: an image that tells a story without being too distracting, the use of white space, a clear navigation bar, a tagline or slogan, and a call to action. It’s a clean design that is free of any distractions and invites visitors to learn more about the brand.

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Final Thoughts

The moral of the story is that good design always prevails. No matter what trends come and go, or how the industry changes, there will always be a place for well-designed websites. So if you’re thinking about redesigning your website, don’t wait – do it now!

And if you need some inspiration, be sure to check out the 22 best website designs of 2022. They’re sure to get your creative juices flowing!

So what are you waiting for? Contact us!

Photo Credit: Unsplash by Igor Miske

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