are you want to create a table of content for some of your long articles? A table of contents makes it more accessible for users to jump to the part they want to read. In this post, I will show you how to create a table of contents in a post or page using WordPress plugins. So let’s jump into the content.
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Why create a table of content for your blog?
While a Table of Contents may look unnecessary for a blog post, it can truly go a long way toward increasing your site’s overall UX. Most of the visitors come to your content and seek specific answers to their questions. A table of content enables the visitor to easily jump to the information that’s most related to them, instead of scrolling and seeking the appropriate answer to their questions.
Moreover, a table of content can increase the chance of your existing content ranking in Google search Engine Optimization. These handy links are an easy location to place your keywords, which are very significant for ranking factors.
On top of improving your keyword frequency, having a table of content in your post can enhance your chances to feature in Google snippets. Here is an examples fo that:
However, lists of the table of content are often displayed, because they can deliver answers to google searches’ questions in a clear and compact way.
How to create a table of content for your website.
The first thing you have to do; just go to the plugins library and install and activate the Easy Table of Contents plugin from there. For more details, please see the following screenshot.
After activation, you have to visit the Dashboard Menu » Settings » Table of Contents page. From there, you can change the general settings for the table of contents like selecting a location and label for the container, etc.
You can also enable or disable the table of contents for each post type. If enabled, then the plugin will automatically add a table of contents for the article that has at least 4 headings. You can change the number that you like.
Generally, we don’t suggest adding a table of contents for every article except the articles are too long.
Next, you can also change the appearance by scrolling down the table of contents setting option. From there you can change theme color, adjust the width and height, set the font size, as per your requirements.
After that, you have to go to the Advanced settings panel. Though The default options will work for most websites. However, you can evaluate these options that you would like to change.
Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button to implement these settings.
Note: If you change any setting in this section, then it will override the global settings for the specific post/page.
Once you have written the post with multiple headings, you should see the Table of Contents in action.
TOC will appear just above the first heading in your post. Your visitors can click on links and jump to the section they might be interested in.